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Food news from the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Produce at the market
by Brenda Dawson
on November 30, 2011 at 1:37 PM
Just heard that UC Master Food Preservers will be starting up in Humboldt soon:  
If you know of others, please share!
by Liesl
on January 4, 2012 at 11:22 AM
I keep hearing that a master Preservers group was started in OC last year, but I cant find them, I wish I had known at the time. Could you possibly point me in the direction of who I could find out more information from?  
Thanks Liesl***
by Brenda Dawson
on January 5, 2012 at 8:24 AM
Hi Liesl, That's a great question. I contacted Orange County, and they explained that they are in the process of starting up a Master Food Preserver program very soon, with hopes to have classes for the public later this year (earliest possibility sounds like late Spring).  
The program for now is being run through the UC Master Gardeners in Orange County, if you'd like to follow up before the public classes start, here's some contact info:  
It's great to hear so much interest in these food preservation classes.
by Lisa Bramblet
on October 8, 2012 at 2:30 PM
Greetings! I am a Contra Costa County Certified Master Gardener and would LOVE to help get Master Food Preservers going in Contra Costa County! I have been canning/dehydrating etc. for 28 years now and did not know until recently that there was a UCCE program for Food Preserving. I asked our MG Coordinator and she had no knowledge of the MFP program and said it was not under the MG area. Please help me get in touch with the proper channels to begin this conversation and bring MFP to Contra Costa County. I have searched the UC website and cannot find a contact and the email I sent to El Dorado County has gone unanswered. :(  
Thanks for any assistance on making the proper connections you can offer. :)
by Brenda Dawson
on October 10, 2012 at 5:52 PM
Hi Lisa, What great enthusiasm! I should probably clarify that I am only a fan of the UC Master Food Preservers. But this program interests me personally, in part because it seems to be driven by volunteer passion. Go MFPs!  
But I did ask around about your interest in starting up an MFP program where you live -- and it sounds like the best place for you to start would be by talking to your local UCCE County Director.  
In Contra Costa, Janet Caprile is the UCCE County Director. Here's her contact info:  
Good luck!
by Marian Hart
on May 14, 2013 at 5:18 PM
I'd really like to help start this kind of program in San Diego. Who should I contact?
by Jean Quillin
on July 18, 2013 at 10:44 AM
I would also be interested in taking this class and starting a program in San Diego!
by Shauna Henry
on September 24, 2013 at 1:51 PM
I am also very interested in taking master food preserver classes in San Diego. I called the UC system and there was nothing yet. Would love to be informed if anything changes.
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